Genetic Divergence in Moth Bean

Keywords: Genetic diversity, D2 value, cluster, genotype


An experiment was undertaken by utilizing forty four moth bean genotypes for eleven yield and yield contributing characters to assess genetic divergence. The analysis of variance has shown that there was significant variation among the genotypes in all traits. The multivariate analysis carried out using Mahalanobis D2-statistics, indicated wider genetic diversity in the genotypes of moth bean. Out of seven cluster formed, cluster I was largest with eighteen genotypes, followed by cluster IV with twelve genotypes, cluster III with seven genotypes , cluster II with four and  V, VI, VII  were monogenotypic. The clustering pattern indicated absence of relationship between genetic diversity and geographical origin of the genotypes. The maximum inter cluster distance was observed between cluster IV and V (D2=29.12) while, lowest divergence was noticed between cluster V and VI (D2=4.46). While maximum intra cluster distance observed within cluster IV (D2=5.12) while lowest intra cluster distance was observed within cluster I (D2=3.85). The variance for cluster means were high for days to 50% flowering (32.56%), 100 seed weight (13.95%), length of main axis (13.21%) and number of seeds per pod (10.57%) and was low for number of primary branches and pod length. Based on inter-cluster distances, cluster mean and per se performance, and divergence class the genotypes viz., DHMB-32, DHMB-26, DHMB-31, DHMB-30 and DHMB-16 were distinct and diverse and can be classified as promising genotypes. These genotypes can be used for inter-crossing to obtain heterosis and also wider variability in moth bean. Hybridization between the genotypes of cluster IV with the genotypes of cluster V may result in exploiting more heterosis with maximum genetic divergence and are likely to produce desirable transgressive segregants in segregating generations for further crop improvement.  

Author Biography

Vikas Yadav Pawar, MPKV, Rahuri, University
Departemnt of Agricultural Botany, College of Agriculture Dhule, MPKV, Rahuri, University
How to Cite
Vikas Yadav Pawar
Genetic Divergence in Moth Bean. 2018. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 8 4, 1148-1158. Retrieved from
Research Article