Association analysis for seed yield and component traits in segregating populations of blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper)

  • P. Sathya, N. Manivannan, A. Mahalingam, V. K. Satya and C. Parameswari TAMIL NADU AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY
Keywords: Blackgram, F2 population, correlation analysis, path analysis, seed yield


The present research work on blackgram (Vigna mungo(L.) Hepper) was carried out at National Pulses Research Centre, Vamban during kharif  2017 to assess the association among yield attributes in F2  population of five crosses viz., VBN(Bg) 4 x Mash 114, VBN(Bg) 4 x Mash 1008,VBN 8 x Mash 114, VBN 8 x Mash 1008 and VBN 8 x VBG11-053. Correlation analysis revealed that seed yield was positively correlated with plant height, number of branches per plant, number of clusters per plant, number of pods per cluster, total number of pods, pod length, number of seeds per pod and 100- seed weight in VBN(Bg) 4 X Mash 1008 and VBN 8 x Mash 1008 cross combinations. Same trend was observed in the crosses VBN(Bg) 4 x Mash 114, VBN 8 x Mash 114 except for plant height and in VBN 8 x VBG 11-053 except for pod length.  The path coefficient analysis showed that, in all the five populations studied, number of clusters per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 100 seed weight had positive direct effect on yield. Blackgram seed yield can be significantly improved with the selection of plants with more number of pods, number of clusters per plant and 100 seed weight in the segregating populations as these traits were positively associated with the seed yield.


How to Cite
P. Sathya, N. Manivannan, A. Mahalingam, V. K. Satya and C. Parameswari
Association analysis for seed yield and component traits in segregating populations of blackgram Vigna mungo L. Hepper. 2018. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9 2, 741-746. Retrieved from
Research Article