Genetic analysis and character association studies of physical and cooking quality traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

  • Nikam V. S., Takle S. R., Patil G. B., Mehta A. M. and Jadeja G.C.
Keywords: Rice, quality characters, correlation


Studies on grain quality characters of 31 pre-released cultures and high yielding varieties of rice revealed that the quality traits viz., kernel breadth, kernel length/ breadth ratio, test weight and water uptake registered high variability estimates both at genotypic and phenotypic level. The lowest genotypic coefficient of variation was observed in volume expansion ratio, kernel length after cooking and amylose content. Hence and amylase content may be considered as important selection indices to bring improvement in physical and chemical traits in rice.
How to Cite
Nikam V. S., Takle S. R., Patil G. B., Mehta A. M. and Jadeja G.C.
Genetic analysis and character association studies of physical and cooking quality traits in Rice Oryza sativa L.. 2014. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 5 4, 765-770. Retrieved from
Research Note