Combining ability studies for grain yield and quality parameters in newly developed maize (Zea mays L.) inbred line crosses

  • Netravati, Girish . T. Limbikai, Manjunathswamy .N. Hiremath, Satish Adiger
Keywords: Zea mays L., diallel, combining ability, grain yield, quality parameters.


Studies on combining ability were carried out at maize scheme, MARS, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, during Kharif 2011 for grain yield and quality parameters viz., protein and starch content in 91 single cross hybrids developed using 14 x 14 diallel set (excluding reciprocals). The combining ability analysis revealed the presence of higher magnitude of SCA than GCA variance for all characters under study. The ratio of additive to dominance variance was lower than unity for all traits, indicating higher non additive variance than additive variance. Eight cross combinations were found as good specific combiners for grain yield along with protein and starch content. Among the 14 parents, inbred lines namely DMIL 9 and DMIL 5 were found to be the best parents for grain yield, however, the parents namely DMIL 14, DMIL 11, DMIL 10 and DMIL 3, DMIL 12 were found superior for protein and starch content.
How to Cite
Netravati, Girish . T. Limbikai, Manjunathswamy .N. Hiremath, Satish Adiger
Combining ability studies for grain yield and quality parameters in newly developed maize Zea mays L. inbred line crosses. 2014. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 5 4, 771-774. Retrieved from
Research Note