Genetic architecture of some yield and biochemical traits of tomato

  • S. B. Dagade, L.K. Dhaduk, D. R. Mehata and A.V. Barad JAU


The present study was carried out to determine fruit yield related traits by crossing 8 diverse tomato lines/varieties in partial diallel manner. Eight parents, 28 F1 and 28 F2 were evaluated in RBD with three replications. Analysis of variance showed that genotypes and both generations differed significantly among each other for all the traits studied  The estimate of component of genetic variation revealed that additive components (D) of variance, dominant genetic variance (H1 and H2) and dominance effect were found significant for plant height and fruits plant-1 in both generations. The estimates and dominance component (H) were greater than additive component (D) of variance indicating preponderance of dominant gene action for the expression of all the characters under the study. The ratio of dominant and recessive gene (KD/KR) in the parents showed their asymmetric distribution among the arrays. The H2/4H1 ratio showed an excess of dominant alleles among the patents and dominance was unidirectional in both F1 and F2 generations. Environment factor E significantly influenced harvest span. The estimates of mean degree of dominance revealed over dominance for all the characters in both generations. All the characters except fruit yield in F1 were appeared to be controlled by at least one gene group. High heritability estimates were noticed for fruit acidity content in F1 generation suggesting preponderance of additive gene effects. Low to high heritability estimates in narrow sense were observed for all the traits, controlled predominantly by dominant genes. Fruit yield showed low heritability (7.52 in F1 and 8.19 in F2 generation) indicated non additive gene action suggesting exploitation of heterosis breeding in F1 and selection of desirable segregants in further generations.

Author Biography

S. B. Dagade, L.K. Dhaduk, D. R. Mehata and A.V. Barad, JAU
Dy Director NHRDF Vellalore Coimbatore
How to Cite
S. B. Dagade, L.K. Dhaduk, D. R. Mehata and A.V. Barad
Genetic architecture of some yield and biochemical traits of tomato. 2015. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 3, 787-791. Retrieved from
Research Article