Genetic divergence study in introgressed F6 progenies from interspecific cross of (G. arboreum x G. anomalum) x G. barbadense

  • N. S. Parde, Zate D.K., Bhalerao G.A., and Mehetre S. S VNMKV, Parbhani
Keywords: Cotton, genetic diversity, D2 analysis, fibre properties


The present investigation was conducted with an objective to study genetic diversity available in 41 diverse F6 progenies of interspecific cross with six checks of cotton, evaluated during Summer, 2009-2010 by using Mahalanobis D2 method. The genotypes were grouped into fourteen clusters indicating presence of appreciable amount of diversity and maximum number of progenies (22) were grouped into cluster-I followed by cluster-III, with thirteen progenies and remaining clusters were solitary. The highest intra cluster distance was observed between the progenies of cluster-III and seen more diverse genotypes than the other clusters. The highest inter cluster D2 value was observed between clusters XI and XIV. Among the characters studied the highest contribution to the divergence was noted for short fibre index followed by plant height and seed cotton yield per plant. This study helps to identify diversity in different proportion which ultimately helps to decide utilization of genetic material for improvement of specific characters.

Author Biography

N. S. Parde, Zate D.K., Bhalerao G.A., and Mehetre S. S, VNMKV, Parbhani
Department of Agricultural Botany and Assistant Professor
How to Cite
N. S. Parde, Zate D.K., Bhalerao G.A., and Mehetre S. S
Genetic divergence study in introgressed F6 progenies from interspecific cross of G. arboreum x G. anomalum x G. barbadense. 2015. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 3, 680-687. Retrieved from
Research Article