Generation mean analysis for quantitative traits in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)

  • Y.P. Singh and S.S. Gaurav
Keywords: Ocimum basilicum L., quantitative trait, joint scaling test, gene effects, generation mean analysis


To study the nature and magnitude of gene effects for yield and its components in basil (Ocimumbasilicum L.), generation mean analysis with following seven crosses of different accession was carried out: EC-388788/IC-333322, EC-387893/IC-326711, EC-388896/IC-369247, EC-388887/IC-386833, EC-387837/EC-338785, IC-369247/IC-370846 and IC-344681/IC-326735.Generation mean analysis with three parameter model with χ2 test indicated that additive-dominance model was inadequate for all the traits in all the crosses used to estimate the gene effects.The analysis showed the presence of additive, dominance and epistasis gene interactions.In addition to digenic and higher order of interaction, additive and dominance effects were also important for improvement in contributing traits to yield. Duplicate type epistasis played greater role than complimentary epistasis. This suggested that duplicated type of gene action was present confirming the importance of dominance effects. The study revealed the importance of both additive and non-dominance types of gene action for all the traits studied. Thus, considerable non-additive genetic effects observed in this study suggest that selection in advanced generation may be more appropriate.
How to Cite
Y.P. Singh and S.S. Gaurav
Generation mean analysis for quantitative traits in basil Ocimum basilicum L.. 2015. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 1, 176-182. Retrieved from
Research Article