Response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes under aerobic conditions

  • Keshava Murthy B. C, Arvind Kumar and Shailaja Hittalmani
Keywords: Aerobic rice, fresh water, grain yield, correlation, path analysis


A field experiment was conducted during wet season 2009 to study the response of rice genotypes under aerobic conditions.
Variance studies revealed significant differences among the genotypes for the traits, days to flowering, plant height, harvest
index, grain yield, panicle number, straw yield, panicle length, test weight and biomass. Higher values of heritability and genetic
advance were observed for plant height and days to flowering. Grain yield per plot showed positive association with harvest
index and total biomass. Correlation and path analysis revealed an ideal plant type of genotype under aerobic conditions should
have high harvest index and biomass. Eight rice genotypes with increased yield advantage over checks have been identified as
suitable entries for aerobic cultivation. Results also suggested that all rice genotypes are not suitable for aerobic method of
cultivation and the genotypes which are able to acclimatize to the non-puddled aerobic conditions should be identified and
How to Cite
Keshava Murthy B. C, Arvind Kumar and Shailaja Hittalmani
Response of rice Oryza sativa L. genotypes under aerobic conditions. 2011. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 2 2, 194-199. Retrieved from
Research Article