Combining ability analysis for yield and its components in popcorn ( Zea mays var. everta Sturt.)

  • A. Vijayabharathi, C.R. Anandakumar and R.P. Gnanamalar
Keywords: Combining ability, gca, sca, popcorn


A line x tester set was obtained by crossing 8 lines with 3 testers in popcorn. The resultant 24 derived F1s were evaluated
along with 11 parents to estimate general and specific combining ability variances and effects for 14 characters. The results
showed predominant role of non-additive gene action for all the characters studied. Based on both per se and gca, the
genotypes UPC 5, UPC 4, UPC 1 among lines and Amber popcorn, Bangalore popcorn among the testers were proved as
good general combiners for yield and quality traits. High per se, significant sca, standard heterosis exhibited by three hybrids
viz., UPC 9 x Amber popcorn, UPC 8 x Amber popcorn and UPC 1 x UPC 6 could be used for exploitation of heterosis for
yield and quality characters.
How to Cite
A. Vijayabharathi, C.R. Anandakumar and R.P. Gnanamalar
Combining ability analysis for yield and its components in popcorn Zea mays var. everta Sturt.. 1. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 1 1, 28-32. Retrieved from
Research Article