Physico-chemical and cooking characteristics of rice genotypes

  • M. Umadevi, P. Veerabadhiran, S. Manonmani and P. Shanmugasundaram
Keywords: Rice, quality characters, variability, amylose content.


Studies were conducted on 110 rice genotypes to assess the genetic variability, heritability and correlation among the
genotypes for sixteen grain quality characters and grain yield. The genotype ASD 06-4 recorded maximum mean value for
hulling per cent and milling per cent. CRMS 32 A recorded intermediate value for gelatinization temperature, gel
consistency, amylose content and superior performance for volume expansion ratio. Higher magnitude of genotypic variability in
terms of GCV of more than 20 per cent was recorded for gel consistency, volume expansion ratio, alkali spreading value,
single plant yield, and amylose content. The single plant yield had highly significant and positive association with L/B ratio,
water uptake, breadth-wise expansion ratio, gel consistency and amylose content. The traits viz., single plant yield, volume
expansion ratio, gel consistency, alkali spreading value and amylose content possessing high GCV, heritability and genetic
advance could be effectively used in selection.
How to Cite
M. Umadevi, P. Veerabadhiran, S. Manonmani and P. Shanmugasundaram
Physico-chemical and cooking characteristics of rice genotypes. 2010. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 1 2, 114-123. Retrieved from
Research Article