Combining ability analysis in Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) under salinity

  • H.B. Shailaja, S. Thirumeni, K. Paramasivam and T. Ramanadane
Keywords: Finger millet, combining ability, salinity.


Six lines and four testers differing in their response to salinity were hybridized in Line x Tester design and combing ability
for ten quantitative traits and Na-K ratio was investigated. The study revealed total variance due to lines x testers was
significant for all the characters under investigation. Variance due to sca was higher for all the characters indicating
preponderance of non-additive gene action. On the basis of per se performances and gca effects GPU28, CO12 and Vl 149
were identified as best combiners for majority of the traits including grain yield per plant and Na+: K+ ratio. Based on per se
performance, sca effects and standard heterosis, GPU28 x CO13 and CO12 x TRY1 were promising hybrids for grain yield .
Based on significant gca effects of parents and non significant sca effects it is suggested for recombination breeding to
develop tolerance under saline condition.
How to Cite
H.B. Shailaja, S. Thirumeni, K. Paramasivam and T. Ramanadane
Combining ability analysis in Finger millet Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn. under salinity. 2010. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 1 2, 129-139. Retrieved from
Research Article