Combining ability and heterosis studies for grain yield and its component traits in maize (Zea mays L.)

  • C. Kapoor, S. Lata and J.K. Sharma
Keywords: Maize, line x tester, combining ability, heterosis, yield


Combining ability analysis was conducted using line x tester design with twelve diverse inbred lines of maize for yield and its contributing traits. Five inbred lines viz. V348, V356, V360, KI-16 and KI-18 were good general combiners for grain yield and majority of its component traits. Six cross combinations KI-16 x CM200, V24 x CM212, V356 x CM126, V354 x CM200, V356 x CM200 and V348 x CM212 exhibited high heterosis as well as high SCA effects and per se performance for grain yield and its component traits. The cross KI-16 x CM200 performed best out of these six crosses on the basis of high SCA effect, economic heterosis and per se performance for grain yield, cob placement height, cob length, cob girth and harvest index.
How to Cite
C. Kapoor, S. Lata and J.K. Sharma
Combining ability and heterosis studies for grain yield and its component traits in maize Zea mays L.. 2014. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 5 4, 716-721. Retrieved from
Research Article