Molecular diversity of brinjal (Solanum melongena L. and S. aethiopicum L.) genotypes revealed by SSR markers

  • Abdul Majid Ansari and Y. V. Singh
Keywords: Brinjal, Solanum, melongena, aethiopicum, SSR markers, genetic diversity.


In the present study, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to study the genetic diversity among 14 genotypes of brinjal. A total of 14 polymorphic SSR primer pairs were used. Amplification of genomic DNA of 14 genotypes yielded 50 fragments, of which 43 were polymorphic. A clear cut differentiation was exhibited among the genotypes. The range of similarity coefficient varied from 17.8% [between S. aethiopicum L. (2n=2x=24) and Pant Rituraj (S. melongena L., 2n=2x=24)] to 94.1% [between PB-71 and NDB-1] followed by 88.9% [between SMB-115 and KS-331] and 88.6% [between BARI and PB-67]. SAHN cluster analysis using UPGMA method separated the genotypes into six cluster groups. Solanum aethiopicum and PB-67 were positioned as single genotype in separate groups i.e., cluster-I & II, SMB-115 and KS-331 in cluster-III, BARI, PB-66 and Pant Rituraj in cluster-IV, WB-1, PB-4, PB-70 and LC-7 in cluster-V and PB-71, Pant Samrat and NDB-1 in cluster-VI. Morphological characters viz., shape, size and peel colour of brinjal fruits and plant type showed a positive relationship with the DNA based molecular analysis through SSR markers.
How to Cite
Abdul Majid Ansari and Y. V. Singh
Molecular diversity of brinjal Solanum melongena L. and S. aethiopicum L. genotypes revealed by SSR markers. 2014. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 5 4, 722-728. Retrieved from
Research Article