Identification of germplasm lines for diversification of dual-purpose sorghums

  • P. Sanjana Reddy, ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research
  • B.R. Ranwah and Sushil Pandey


Characterization and evaluation of germplasm is a pre-requisite for diversifying the genetic base in breeding populations. Preliminary evaluation of 642 germplasm lines for 25 traits at MPUAT, Udaipur during 2014 rainy season led to the identification of promising germplasm lines for each of the traits. Looking into the climatic pattern of the region, early flowering, dual-purpose lines with terminal drought tolerance are preferred. The germplasm lines IC 484464, IC 484889 and IC 240866 were found promising. The principal components analysis clearly showed that the entire variation in the 642 sorghum germplasm lines cannot be explained on the basis of few characters though glume covering, plant height and the number of leaves explained the variation in PC I explaining 19.5% of the total variability. Trait association showed that the yield enhancement in Udaipur location representing zone III, can be brought about by breeding for early flowering, terminal drought tolerance (non-senescence), bold grain, medium height, and tan plant colour background, apart from other significantly associated traits.

How to Cite
P. Sanjana Reddy, B.R. Ranwah and Sushil Pandey
Identification of germplasm lines for diversification of dual-purpose sorghums. 2020. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 11 01, 70-75. Retrieved from
Research Article