Genetic divergence and association analyses in Hedge lucerne (Desmanthus virgatus L. Willd)

  • Deepthi.I.V.L , A. Kalamani and N. Manivannan
Keywords: Desmanthus virgatus, Genetic Divergence, Path analysis


Twenty three mutants along with control of hedge lucerne variety TNDV-1 were evaluated for twelve traits to assess genetic divergence. Mutants were grouped in to eight clusters based on D2 values. Based on the inter cluster distances using D2 values, it can be considered that the genotypes belonging to clusters VII and VIII are more diverse. The minimum inter cluster distance was found in clusters II and III indicating their genetic closeness. Cluster VIII which contain single progeny had high mean values for all the characters except for crude fat content. Path analysis revealed that the number of branches per plant, leaf to stem ratio, dry matter yield per plant was considered as important selection indices for green fodder yield per plant.
How to Cite
Deepthi.I.V.L , A. Kalamani and N. Manivannan
Genetic divergence and association analyses in Hedge lucerne Desmanthus virgatus L. Willd. 2013. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 4 3, 1261-1264. Retrieved from
Research Note