Gnetic architecture of oil content in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

  • M. G. Valu, Madariya, R. B., Mehta, D. R. And Khanpara, M. D Agriculture
Keywords: Cotton, additive, dominance and epistasis gene effects


The present investigation was undertaken with a view to generate genetic information on gene effects for oil content in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The experimental materials consisted of twelve generations, namely P1, P2, F1, F2, B1, B2, B11, B12, B21, B22, B1s and B2s in four crosses of cotton viz., Deviraj x GBHV-170 (cross-1), G.Cot-10 x MR-786 (cross-2), G.Cot-12 x GTHV-95/145 (cross-3) and 76IH20 x GJHV-460 (cross-4). Scaling tests viz., A, C, B11, B12, B21, B1s, B2s, X and Y in cross-1; B11, B1s and B2s in cross-2; A, B, C, B1s and B2s in cross-3 and A, B, C, B11, B12 and X in cross-4 were significant showing presence of digenic and trigenic gene interaction. In six parameter model based on weighted least square technique, ‘m’, [d], [j] and [l] in cross-1; all the parameters except [j] in cross-2; ‘m’, [d] and [j] in cross-3 and ‘m’, [d], [h], [i], [j] and [l] in cross-4 were significant. The X2(2) value at six degrees of freedom were found non-significant in cross-4 proving the six parameter model as the best fit model in cross-4 and significant in cross-1, cross-2 and cross-3 supporting the presence of higher order epistasis. In ten parameter model, ‘m’, [h], [i], [l], [x], [y] and [z] in cross-1; ‘m’, [l] and [z] in cross-2 and only ‘m’ in cross-3 were significant. The X2(3) value at two degrees of freedom was non-significant in cross-2 proving the ten parameter model as the best fit model and significant in cross-1 and cross-3 indicating the presence of higher order epistasis and/or linkage. Duplicate type of epistatic gene action was responsible for the inheritance of oil content in all the four crosses of cotton.

Author Biography

M. G. Valu, Madariya, R. B., Mehta, D. R. And Khanpara, M. D, Agriculture

Associate Research Scientist

Main Oilseeds Research Station


How to Cite
M. G. Valu, Madariya, R. B., Mehta, D. R. And Khanpara, M. D
Gnetic architecture of oil content in cotton Gossypium hirsutum L.. 2015. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 3, 749-754. Retrieved from
Research Article