Variability, heritability and genetic advance studies in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)

  • Balaji Lokesh, P. Suryanarayana Reddy, R.V.S. K. Reddy and N.Sivaraj
Keywords: Brinjal, Variability, Heritability, Genetic advance


Sixty brinjal germplasm lines were evaluated for fourteen quantitative characters. High PCV and GCV values were seen for
plant height, plant spread, number of branches per plant, number of fruits per cluster, average fruit diameter, average fruit
weight, shoot and fruit borer incidence on shoot and fruit and fruit yield per plant indicating high variability in the
germplasm. In general, values of PCV were higher than the values of GCV indicating influence of environment but
differences between PCV and GCV values were minimum, indicating that the traits under study were less influenced by
environment and these characters could be improved by following phenotypic selection. . Genetic advance as per cent of
mean were high (>20.0) for plant height (25.00), plant spread (115.07), average fruit weight (25.23) and shoot and fruit
borer incidence on shoot (21.53).High heritability accompanied with high genetic advance was noticed for plant height,
plant spread, average fruit weight and shoot and fruit borer incidence on shoot indicating that simple selection may be
effective to fix and improve such traits.
How to Cite
Balaji Lokesh, P. Suryanarayana Reddy, R.V.S. K. Reddy and N.Sivaraj
Variability, heritability and genetic advance studies in Brinjal Solanum melongena L.. 2013. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 4 1, 1097-1100. Retrieved from
Research Note