Validation of molecular markers linked with yellow mosaic virus disease resistance in diverse genetic background of black gram (Vigna mungo)
Yellow mosaic virus (YMV) disease is a serious disease which affects the black gram productivity. In this study, 10 molecular markers reported to be linked to yellow mosaic virus (YMV) resistance in black gram and mungbean were validated on 19 diverse black gram genotypes for their utility in marker assisted selection. Three molecular markers (ISSR8111357, YMV1-FR and CEDG180) differentiated the YMV resistance and susceptible black gram genotypes. Other seven molecular markers were either monomorphic or failed to amplify the marker fragment in black gram genotypes. Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) marker ISSR8111357 and its derived sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker YMV1-FR amplified the respective marker fragments in all YMV resistant genotypes except DPU 88-31, IPU 02-43, IPU 94-1 and IPU 07-3. These 4 genotypes in addition to PU 31 amplified the 136-bp allele of Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) marker CEDG180 linked to YMV resistance. ISSR8111357 and CEDG180 are located on different linkage groups in the black gram genetic linkage map, suggesting that two independent resistance genes may be governing resistance to YMV in Indian black gram cultivars with marker ISSR8111357 linked to one resistance gene and marker CEDG180 linked to other resistance gene. Therefore, both markers can be used for marker assisted selection of YMV resistance. The resistant genotypes PU 31 was the only genotype where both markers were amplified suggesting that PU 31 may be carrying both the YMV resistance genes. Therefore, genotype PU 31 would be a valuable donor of YMV resistance and should be actively used in black gram breeding programs for incorporating YMV resistance.
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