Genotype x Environment interaction for yield and yield contributing traits in rabi sorghum

  • Sakhechand A. Anarase, Department of Botany, MPKV, Rahuri.
  • Rajubhai T. Desai, Department of Genetics & Plant breeding, NAU,Navsari
  • Girish B. Chaudhari, Department of Botany, MPKV, Rahuri.
  • Atul B Patil, Department of Genetics & Plant breeding, NAU,Navsari
  • Yogesh G Ban Department of Botany, MPKV,Rahuri
Keywords: Genotype x Environment interaction, stability, linear, non-linear



The analysis of variance for phenotypic stability revealed that the variation due to genotype x environment was considerable for all the characters studied. The significance of G x E (linear) and pooled deviation for majority of the traits suggested the importance of both linear and non-linear components in determining total genotype x environment interactions. Perusal of stability parameters revealed that eight parents were found to be average stable for grain yield. Nevertheless, it was noticed that the male parent RSV 1460 and RPOSV 3 exhibited bi value significantly greater than one, showed below average stability, which was suitable for favourable environments. Among hybrids twenty five hybrids exhibited high mean, unit regression (bi) and least deviation from regression (S2di) and therefore they were classified as stable with average response to environments. In general, the hybrids found stable for grain yield also showed stability for two or more component characters, which indicated that the stability of various component traits might be responsible for stability of these hybrids for grain yield per plant. The best three hybrids viz., 1543A x RSV 1297, 1343A x RSV 1200 and 1343A x SPV 1359 were found to have average stability over environments for grain yield per plant with one or more stable yield contributing traits, signifying their potential for commercial exploitation for genetic improvement in rabi sorghum.

Author Biographies

Sakhechand A. Anarase, Department of Botany, MPKV, Rahuri.

Senior Research Assistant

AICRP on Agroforestry, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar. Pin. 413 722 (M.S.)

Rajubhai T. Desai, Department of Genetics & Plant breeding, NAU,Navsari

Professor & Head (Rtd.),

Department of Genetics & Plant breeding, NAU,Navsari (Gujrat)

Girish B. Chaudhari, Department of Botany, MPKV, Rahuri.

Senior Research Assistant

Oilseeds Research Station, MPKV,Jalgaon-425001 (M.S.)

Atul B Patil, Department of Genetics & Plant breeding, NAU,Navsari
Rice Breeder,Department of Genetics & Plant breeding, NAU,Navsari
Yogesh G Ban, Department of Botany, MPKV,Rahuri

Junior Research Assistant, AICRP on under utilised plants, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar. Pin. 413 722 (M.S.)

How to Cite
Sakhechand A. Anarase, Rajubhai T. Desai, Girish B. Chaudhari, Atul B Patil, Yogesh G Ban
Genotype x Environment interaction for yield and yield contributing traits in rabi sorghum. 2015. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 3, 771-781. Retrieved from
Research Article