Correlation and path analyses in Maize (Zea mays L.)

  • Udaya Bhanu Kote, P. V. Rama Kumar, M. Lal Ahamed, Y. Ashoka Rani, V. Srinivasa Rao andD Adilakshmi
Keywords: Maize, correlations and path analysis


A study was carried out on correlation and path coefficient analysis for eighteen characters on 45 hybrids, 15 inbred lines and 3 testers along with three checks at three locations and in two seasons (kharif 2012 and rabi 2012-13). The traits days to 50 % tasseling, days to 50 % silking, days to maturity, plant height, ear height, ear length, ear girth, number of kernel rows per cob, number kernels per row, starch %, oil %, relative growth rate at 30-60 DAS, net assimilation rate at 30-60 DAS, net assimilation rate at 60-90 DAS, test weight were found to possess significant association in desirable direction with seed yield per plant at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Path analysis revealed that ear height, ear length, ear girth, net assimilation rate at 30-60 DAS and test weight showed relationship by establishing significant positive direct association with grain yield per plant.
How to Cite
Udaya Bhanu Kote, P. V. Rama Kumar, M. Lal Ahamed, Y. Ashoka Rani, V. Srinivasa Rao andD Adilakshmi
Correlation and path analyses in Maize Zea mays L.. 2014. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 5 3, 538-544. Retrieved from
Research Note