Inter and intra cross variability analysis in F3 generation of mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]


  • P. K. Nayak, C. L. Khatik, M. Khan, Kailash Chandra, J. Lal,
  • D. Tripathi, K. C. Verma and M. A. Khan


The present investigation was conducted to evaluate 12 crosses of mungbean genotypes for 11 characters to access the extent of genetic variability and to comprehend the heritable aspect of variation for grain yield and its related characters. All the 12 crosses were raised in a compact family block design with three replications in two environments during the kharif season of 2022. The analysis of variance indicated significant variations among the families for grain yield and all other characters in both environments. Conversely, differences among the progenies within a family varied depending on specific trait and environment (E1) to environment (E2). Inter cross variability revealed high GCV and PCV for primary branches per plant in both environments. High estimates of PCV were recorded for pods per plant and grain yield per plant in both environments and for clusters per plant in E2. High estimates of heritability were exhibited by primary branches per plant in both the environments and plant height in E1. High estimates of genetic advance as per cent of mean were observed for primary branches per plant and plant height in both environments. Inter cross variability revealed that the highest magnitude of heritability was recorded by family C1 and C7 for grain yield per plant in E1 and E2 respectively. The highest magnitude of genetic advance as per cent of mean was exhibited by family C3 for primary branches per plant in E1 and by family C12 for clusters per plant in E2.

Keywords: Genetic variability, Inter cross variability, Heritability, Mungbean

How to Cite
P. K. Nayak, C. L. Khatik, M. Khan, Kailash Chandra, J. Lal, D. Tripathi, K. C. Verma and M. A. Khan

Inter and intra cross variability analysis in F3 generation of mung bean [Vigna radiata L. Wilczek]

. 2024. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 15 3, 730-735. Retrieved from
Research Note