Stability analysis of grain yield and its components of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes

  • Ahmad Ramezani and Masoud Torabi
Keywords: Rice, stability, genotypes x Environment


In order to study the stability of yield and some phonological parameter an experiment was carried out with thirteen genotypes of
rice under various environment conditions. The results have shown that there was a significant interaction between genotypes and
different environments. A significant difference was observed between thirteen genotypes relative to yield production. The
scattering of lines determined relative to trend of grain yield and regression coefficients so that the genotypes classified to four
groups in terms of grain yield stability. Based on the stability in yield and qualitative parameter genotype 4 is superior to others
genotypes so that it can be recommended for commercial cultivation in the Isfahan zone of Iran.
How to Cite
Ahmad Ramezani and Masoud Torabi
Stability analysis of grain yield and its components of rice Oryza sativa L. genotypes. 2011. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 2 4, 484-487. Retrieved from
Research Article