Assessment of diversity using RAPD and ISSR markers in Sorghum varieties across Gujarat, India
Sorghum bicolor L., RAPD, ISSR, genetic diversity.
Molecular characterization of twelve varieties of Sorghum bicolor L. was carried out with 11 RAPD and three ISSR primers. Outof the different anchored primer combinations, ISSR primers with TC and GA motifs produced clear and maximum scorable
bands, thus revealing a better coverage of the genome. Genetic diversity parameters [viz., average and effective number of
alleles, polymorphic information content (PIC)] were calculated for both RAPD and ISSR markers. UPGMA clustering based on
Jaccard’s coefficient was calculated. RAPD markers were more efficient than ISSR markers with regards to detection of
polymorphism, number of bands scored and PIC values. Genetic variations detected among the geographically different
populations of Sorghum bicolor L. could be of much use for the introgression of new characters from wild counterparts to the
cultivars, isolation of stable segregating markers and selection of improved varieties and conservation of germplasm resources.
How to Cite
Sudeshna Chakraborty, Indrapratap Thakare , Rallapalli Ravikiran, Vivek Nikam, Ruchi Trivedi,Sasidharan N and G.C. Jadeja
Assessment of diversity using RAPD and ISSR markers in Sorghum varieties across Gujarat, India. 2011. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 2 4, 488-493. Retrieved from
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