Studies on hybrid sterility in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under temperate conditions of Kashmir

  • S. Najeeb, A.G.Rather , M.A.Zargar, , F.A.Sheikh, S.M. Razvi , Badrul Hassan, Gulzaffer, M.A. Ahanger and N.A.Teeli
Keywords: Rice, hybrid sterility, Kashnir


The inter sub- specific variability generated has been advanced at two experimental farms constituting two locations
in order to study for more promising although less frequent segregants and New Plant Types for two agro ecologies
of Kashmir. Besides intervarietal indica and intervarietal japonica variability has been evaluated at 4500 and 7500
feet MSL respectively based on their different degree of tolerance to cold, biotic and abiotic stresses viz-a-viz their
growth duration in terms of earliness to flowering and maturity, the most important criteria for selecting a genotype
for agro ecology like Kashmir.
How to Cite
S. Najeeb, A.G.Rather , M.A.Zargar, , F.A.Sheikh, S.M. Razvi , Badrul Hassan, Gulzaffer, M.A. Ahanger and N.A.Teeli
Studies on hybrid sterility in rice Oryza sativa L. under temperate conditions of Kashmir. 2011. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 2 4, 527-530. Retrieved from
Research Note