In vitro organogenesis in Mothbean [Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.)

  • Hande V. P., Chauhan R. M., Dapke J. S. and Vanave P. B.
Keywords: Mothbean, in vitro, organogenesis


Five varieties of mothbean viz., GMO 1, GMO 2, CZM 2, Jwala and RMO 40 were investigated for in vitro organogenesis. Significant differences were observed among the varieties, explants, medium combinations and their two and three way interactions for the days taken for green colouration of callus, per cent green colouration and number of shoots per callus piece except for variety × explant, explant × medium and variety × explant × medium interactions in case of days to green colouration of callus and explant × medium for number of shoots per callus piece. Among the six media tested, MS + 1.0 mg l-1 IAA + 3.0 mg l-1 K took significantly less number of days to green colouration of callus (21.462), showed the highest percentage of green colouration (60.086) and also produced maximum number of shoots per callus piece (5.556). Of the different varieties, GMO 2 was found to be the most responsive variety for regeneration of plants. The callus derived from leaf explants was found superior to the hypocotyl derived callus in plant regeneration. Medium. MS + 1.0 mg l-1 IAA + 3.0 mg l-1 K was recognized as the most efficient medium for plant regeneration from established callus cultures of mothbean. The differences among the varieties and medium combinations were significant for per cent rooting. The medium factor contributed maximally towards the total variation followed by variety. On the other hand, the contribution of variety × medium was the least towards the total variation. Of the different varieties, GMO2 was found to be the most responsive variety and the MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l-1 NAA was the best medium for root regeneration.
How to Cite
Hande V. P., Chauhan R. M., Dapke J. S. and Vanave P. B.
In vitro organogenesis in Mothbean [Vigna aconitifolia Jacq.. 2015. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 1, 93-100. Retrieved from
Research Article