Genetic evaluation of rice genotypes for zinc deficiency tolerance and yield traits under aerobic condition in rice

  • J.Vanitha, R.Usha Kumari, K.Amudha and S.Robin
Keywords: Rice, Aerobic, zinc deficiency tolerance, genetic variability.


Sixty rice genotypes were screened for zinc deficiency tolerance and yield traits under aerobic condition at Paddy Breeding Station, TNAU, and Coimbatore during Rabi, 2013-14. Nine rice genotypes with increased yield have been identified as suitable entries for zinc deficiency tolerance under aerobic cultivation. Genetic parameters estimated showed that the highest GCV and PCV were observed for zinc score, plot yield, plant harvest index and vegetative vigour. Also, high heritability accompanied by high genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for zinc score, plant height, plant harvest index, 100 grain weight and plot yield. Therefore, selection for any one of the above characters would bring in simultaneous improvement of other characters and ultimately improving the grain yield.
How to Cite
J.Vanitha, R.Usha Kumari, K.Amudha and S.Robin
Genetic evaluation of rice genotypes for zinc deficiency tolerance and yield traits under aerobic condition in rice. 2015. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 6 1, 191-195. Retrieved from
Research Note