Heterosis and Combining ability studies in intra-specific derivatives of Wal (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet)

  • T.D. Jadhav, S.S. Desai Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth,Dapoli.Dist.Ratnagiri(M.S.)
Keywords: Wal, GCA, SCA, heterosis and Gene action


Eight genotypes of Wal viz., DPLW-46, DPLW-61, DPLW-10, DPLW-31, DPLW-15, DPLW-48, DPLW-51, DPLW-29 and their crosses made in half diallel fashion were evaluated to estimate the combining ability and heterosis effects for yield and yield component characters. The proportion of δ2g/δ2s revealed preponderance of non additive gene action for inheritance of all the characters. All the parents exhibit significant estimates for combining ability for one or more characters. The parents viz., DPLW-29, DPLW-15 and DPLW-51 were good combiner for most of the characters. Among the crosses DPLW -46 X DPLW-29, DPLW-51 X DPLW-29, DPLW-46 X DPLW-61, DPLW-15 X DPLW-51 and DPLW-46 X DPLW-10 were identified as promising cross combinations and recorded highest significant positive heterosis over mid and better-parents for seed yield per plant. These heterotic cross combinations could be exploited to get superior segregants.

Author Biography

T.D. Jadhav, S.S. Desai, Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth,Dapoli.Dist.Ratnagiri(M.S.)

Assistant Professor,

Genetics and plant Breeding

How to Cite
T.D. Jadhav, S.S. Desai
Heterosis and Combining ability studies in intra-specific derivatives of Wal Lablab purpureus L. Sweet. 2016. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 7 3, 697-702. Retrieved from https://ejplantbreeding.org/index.php/EJPB/article/view/936
Research Note